other side of the game.

imma start off here

the thing about the other side of the game: it’s a classic for me. lo down loretta brown (erykah badu for those of you unfamiliar with my motha) swooned me back in my prepubescence when i first saw this all at once video. essentially she illustrated a lifestyle of simplicity and what i now recognize as high value. minus the “complex occupation” and the dishonest work this video represents the very simple life that i strive to obtain and share with ‘him’. she told her story of “confusion” and “peace” and “revolution” in just one six-minute take which lent to the scene a feeling of authenticity. i want my alkaline body, lifestyle, ways to express myself and mind to just be pure and free of as many distractions as possible. that’s what this video in conjunction with the song portrays. and it’s for that precise reason that this video is a great piece of my art peace. it’s all i want.